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Our People
It is our staff who are behind our excellence. Their professionalism, skills and commitment at the service of the public interest contribute each day to making the AMF a flagship regulator. Meet our teams.
A group of excellence
With their wide cultural diversity and varied backgrounds, our 500 employees build their team spirit around adaptability, attention and teaching skills. Our staff is committed and proud to work for the AMF on a public interest mission, as is displayed by the results of the social survey conducted in 2019.
Each year, the AMF recruits employees who, in addition to their technical expertise, are able to demonstrate their integrity. Salary equality is a fundamental principle of our societal responsibility. We undertake to maintain this throughout the careers of our employees and are fiercely against all forms of discrimination.
Our Departments
Retail Investor Relations and Protection Directorate
The Retail Investor Relations and Protection Directorate is committed to ensuring that the interests of financial consumers are taken into account in the regulatory practices of the AMF and the financialmarket place.
It provides retail and larger investors with financial education material. Its main tasks consist in informing and educating retail investors, listening to the public enquiries via Epargne Info Service, as well as strategic and operational intelligence.
The Ombudsman is in charge of the out-of-court settlement of individual disputes brought before it, involving all the AMF’s fields of intervention (securities transactions, collective management, custody account-keeping, financial instruments, etc.). The Ombudsman gives an opinion on mediation cases treated on the merits either in favour of or against plaintiffs.
Mediation contributes to the AMF’s educational action for retail investors, and the Ombudsman works with her foreign counterparts to strengthen alternative modes of dispute resolution at the international level.
Regulatory Policy and International Affairs Directorate
The Regulatory Policy and International Affairs Directorate draws up the principles of regulation and the rules governing the various financial activities subject to AMF supervision.
It organises consultation with market professionals and facilitates the regulator’s consultative bodies.
It coordinates the AMF’s participation in international and European work, contributes to adapting the French regulatory framework and produces studies and assessments on general trends of the stock market.
Corporate Finance and Corporate Accounting and Auditing Directorate
It is made up of two divisions, the Corporate Finance Division and the Corporate Accounting and Auditing Division.
As the main interlocutor of listed companies and their advisors, the Corporate Finance Department oversees the quality of the financial information disclosed by issuers as part of their obligations or during financial transactions.
The Corporate Accounting and Auditing Department contributes to the quality of the financial information disclosed by issuers as part of their periodic and permanent obligations or during financial transactions, by ensuring the proper application of accounting standards and the clarity of financial statements.
Asset Management Directorate
The Asset Management Directorate is in charge of protecting savings invested in collective investment undertakings (SICAV, FCP, FCPE, FCPR, OPCI, etc.). It is also responsible for approval and monitoring portfolio asset management companies and crowdfunding investment advisors and financial investment advisors; as well as the approval and monitoring of Undertakings for Collective Investments (UCITS and AIFs).
It is also heavily involved in drawing up and monitoring regulations, in particular international, in conjunction with other AMF directorates.
Data and Markets Directorate
The Data and Markets Directorate includes two departments.
The Market Intermediary and Infrastructure Supervision Directorate teams are responsible for monitoring and supervising market infrastructures, market intermediaries and digital asset service providers (DASPs). They are supported by a team of legal and international experts.
The Data and Surveillance Directorate identifies potential breaches, scrutinises all market transactions and examines all other available sources of information on a daily basis to detect any abnormal events or behaviour on financial markets.
To analyse this data, the AMF uses its ICY platform and artificial intelligence, backed up by the expertise of its teams specialising in markets and data science.
Data is clearly identified as a major challenge in our Supervision 2022 strategic plan. The orderly development of data use is essential for analysing risks and making our supervision more effective. The Data and Surveillance teams support this development across all the AMF’s core tasks.
Legal Affairs Directorate
The Legal Affairs Directorate assists all the operational Directorates in carrying out their duties by providing any legal expertise they may require. It also coordinates work on the transposition of European legislation, monitors the main legislative and regulatory reforms that fall within the AMF’s remit and provides support for the AMF’s various policy projects. The production of notifications of grievances and memos to support decisions are centralised in this Directorate, as is the representation of the Board on the Enforcement Committee.
Investigations and Inspections Directorate
It is made up of two departments: Investigations and Inspections.
The Investigations Department checks whether the regulations are complied with in the areas under the AMF’s remit. Investigations primarily concern market abuses (insider dealing, price manipulation and false information).
The Inspections Department is responsible for monitoring whether the institutions regulated by the AMF comply with professional obligations arising from applicable laws and regulations.
Instruction and Enforcement Assistance Directorate
The Investigations and Enforcement Assistance Directorate assists the Committee’s rapporteurs in carrying out the due diligence required for the process of enforcement cases.
It handles, directly or indirectly, the litigation of the Enforcement Committee, either in summary proceedings or on the merits, before the Paris Court of Appeal, the Council of State and the Cour de Cassation. In particular, it handles the drafting of observations and pleading, if any.
Resources, Operations and Transformation Directorate
The Resources, Support and Transformation Directorate includes the Human Resources Department, the Information Technology Department, the Administration and Finance Department and the Transformation, Change and Organisation Unit.
The Human Resources teams manage the recruitment, career development and support of employees. They are responsible for employee training, projects related to managing jobs and career paths, and for partnerships and relationships with educational institutions. Lastly, they manage the administrative, contractual, payroll, time management and other aspects of employee relations.
The Information Technology teams develop solutions tailored to the needs of the AMF’s departments. They ensure the integrity, continuity and security of our information systems, and deploy and maintain these systems to ensure their operational readiness.
The Administrative and Finance teams is responsible for taxation, monitoring and tracking budgets, collecting revenues from those liable to pay them (issuers, investment funds, etc.), tracking expenditures management control and ensuring compliance with public procurement rules. The Administrative and Finance Department also manages real estate, service management and business travel, and coordinates the AMF's CSR approach in collaboration with the other AMF departments.
Lastly, the Transformation, Change and Organisation team is responsible for organisation, internal consultancy, transformation and change management. The team’s role is to support the AMF’s transformation projects and provide advice to our operational directorates.
Communications Directorate
The Communications Directorate is made up of ten or so employees, and is responsible for the AMF’s communication strategy. It seeks to promote the AMF's image and showcase its regulatory and information work to employees, industry professionals and the general public through in-house communication, digital communication, press relations, the organisation of internal and external events, publications, website promotion and the strengthening of the AMF employer brand.
Internal Audit
The Internal Audit Directorate helps the AMF to achieve its objectives by assessing its risk management, audit and governance processes systematically and methodically. It makes recommendations for enhancing their efficiency. The Internal Audit Directorate is committed to supporting the AMF’s transformation by linking its activities to the objectives of the strategic plan and the main related risks.
Our Task Forces
The SME Task Force PME-ETI
The “SME” team is made up of employees with backgrounds drawn from the Corporate Finance Directorate, the Corporate Accounting and Auditing Directorate and the Regulatory Policy and International Affairs Directorate, who interact daily with national and European issuers and regulatory authorities.
It draws on the experience of specialists in finance, accounting and law, who deal daily with the problems of these players. It prepares actions adapted to SMEs on financial transactions, financial communication and accounting issues. It is headed by Astrid Milsan who is the Managing Director of the AMF’s Corporate Finance Directorate and the Corporate Accounting and Auditing Directorate.
Sustainable Finance Task Force
The Sustainable Finance Task Force was set up in January 2019 and is backed by a multidisciplinary team drawn from the following directorates: regulatory policy and international affairs, corporate finance, asset management, retail investor relations, audits and communication. It is managed by the “Strategy and Sustainable Finance” Unit and is made up of some twenty employees who are highly engaged on this issue.
One of the duties of this task-force is to work on the operational implementation of the AMF’s sustainable finance action plan, share knowledge and exchange views about future trends and issues. It also enables better coordination and the consistency of the AMF’s messages on this issue. The members of the task force contribute actively to the work of the AMF’s Climate and Sustainable Finance Committee.
On the same topic
Head of publications: The Executive Director of AMF Communication Directorate. Contact: Communication Directorate – Autorité des marches financiers 17 place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris cedex 02