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27 February 2024

Our Social Responsibility

At the AMF, we view sustainable development as a major challenge for society. We are committed to including sustainability issues, not only in our strategy towards the market participants we regulate, but also in our daily actions.

Sustainable finance is one of the institution’s strategic priorities. In our activity as a regulator, our objective is to change practices, increase the transparency of market participants and facilitate the consideration of sustainability issues and mobilisation of capital for more sustainable activities.

The AMF has defined a high level sustainable finance action plan for market participants that is supported by detailed action plans. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is also an integral part of our day-to-day actions. This approach, which has received strong backing from the AMF’s employees, will be structured further (dedicated governance, development of internal strategy, definition of performance indicators, etc.) so that it can be communicated more widely. Although the AMF’s commitment is already strong, it needs to develop this further and it is still improving on its transparency.

A socially responsible employer

We view the employability of our employees over the long term, working to develop their skills and support them in their careers, even after they have left the AMF.

Company agreements are structured around key areas such as skills development, career management, concern for professional equality and work-life balance and social cohesion as factors that generate sustainable performance. They form a consistent whole.

Focus on the gender equality index
Based on 2023 data, the AMF obtained a high gender equality index of 92/100. This indicator, designed to measure pay and promotion gaps between men and women, is broken down as follows:

  • Pay gap indicator: 37/40
  • Increase rate gap indicator: 20/20
  • Promotion rate gap indicator: 15/15
  • Return from maternity leave indicator: 15/15
  • High pay indicator: 5/10

For instance, here are some average figures from 2022 for 3 indicators:

AMF Figures HR 2022

We also carried out preventive actions throughout the year: work-life balance, right to disconnect, encouraging the practice of sports, etc.



Civic responsibility of the institution

We encourage and support the solidarity initiatives of our employees:

  • ELA Association, La Cravate Solidaire, Odyssea race, etc.

Our civic responsibility also involves the management of our work environment:

  • For example, we donate used office equipment to associations each time we replace it.

Environmentally-friendly internal practices

We strive to apply a number of actions to reduce our environmental footprint. This is a continuous improvement process and we have committed to report the results more precisely.

The AMF is therefore taking action on the environmental issues that also shape our daily lives: energy saving, waste management, recycling of furniture and other consumables, installing low-consumption lighting and/or motion sensor lights, promotion of “green” transportation (installation of bicycle parking for employees and introduction of a bicycle allowance), setting up of a zero paper policy and use of paper made from eco-labelled fibres from sustainably managed forests, installation of equipment to limit the use of plastic bottles and distribution of glass bottles to employees, information campaign on eco-actions to be made in the office, environmentally-friendly cleaning products, etc.

Our employees contribute massively to this eco-responsible drive. For example, they are behind the installation of bee hives on our roof and the significant reduction in our energy consumption.

In July 2019, we launched the deployment of teleworking, open to all employees who sign a rider to their employment contract. This should contribute to a better work-life balance and should have a positive impact on the environment.

Financial education for the general public

The AMF endeavours to inform and support retail investors in their investment approach to enable them to make informed choices about their personal finances.

The AMF provides a dedicated area on its website for retail investors as well as a Facebook page, AMF Epargne Info Service to keep them informed on a daily basis. Financial education also consists in the development of educational tools, such as AMF Protect Epargne, a website for warning and raising awareness about scams.

The AMF meets regularly with investors at trade fairs, training sessions and web conferences and has a dedicated AMF Epargne Info Service team to answer their questions.

Each year, we take part in the World Investor Week to promote the initiatives of regulators in favour of financial education and investor protection.

Lastly, in association with Banque de France and the ACPR, the AMF has created the and websites.