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Our priorities for Action and Supervision
Each year, the AMF publishes its action and supervisory priorities. Aiming to guide the action of the AMF throughout the year, these priorities reflect the requirements of the Institution which works daily to protect investors and the attractiveness of the Paris financial center thanks to quality control.
Our 2025 action priorities
The 2025 action priorities have been established in the line of our Strategic Orientations defined in 2023, Impact 2027. They fall into six themes and 13 actions.
Exacting demanding regulator for a leading European financial centre
- Action 1. Implementing a demanding supervision based on risks assessment (see Supervisory Priorities)
- Action 2. Enhancing the efficiency of the AMF's enforcement work
- Action 3. Facilitating intermediation tailored to the financing of the French and European economies
A strong international action
- Action 4. Contributing to the relaunch of the Savings and Investments Union (SIU)
- Action 5. Continuing the AMF's efforts to the benefit of financial stability
- Action 6. Contributing to European work on retail investors protection
Protecting retail investors
- Action 7. Adapting the AMF's work on the distribution of savings to an ecosystem in upheaval
- Action 8. Protecting retail investors by taking action on distribution practices
Promoting a more sustainable finance
- Action 9. Clarify to stakeholders the AMF’s strategy for supervising sustainable finance
Supporting innovation
- Action 10. Supporting the growth of digital finance and innovation in the financial sector
An attractive and efficient Authority to serve the public interest
- Action 11. A high-performance Authority that pays attention to the efficient use of its resources and that has at its disposal all the skills needed to carry out its missions
- Action 12. Becoming an even more attractive employer in terms of organisation and working conditions
- Action 13. Enhancing relationship of the AMF with its ecosystem

Our 2025 Supervisory priorities
The publication of the thematic supervisory priorities highlights certain areas of risk identified by the AMF and encourages regulated entities to review some of their practices with regard to the professional obligations in force more specifically. The aim is also to draw attention to specific areas of vigilance and to identify the operational problems associated with the implementation of the regulations.
These supervisory priorities are part of the AMF's ambition to be a demanding supervisor for a leading European financial centre (action 1 of the action priorities). As such, they constitute one of the AMF’s key areas of work for 2025.
They cover thee areas.
Priorities for portfolio asset management companies (AMCs)
- Operational risks
- Compliance and internal control functions
- Telephone recordings
- Valuation and transfer of assets between portfolios in the real estate and non-listed fields
Priorities relating to intermediaries and market infrastructures
- Market abuse prevention and detection system
- Communication recording
- Quality of MiFIR, EMIR, SFTR and CSDR reporting data
Priorities relating to investment services providers and the marketing of financial instruments
- Involvement of the compliance function in cross-functional processes relating to employee conduct
- Client communication on illiquid products
- Digitalised channels offered to retail clients
- Supervision of ‘marketing’ ecosystem participants: investment services providers (ISPs)/ISP tied agents (ALPSIs)
- Discretionary management
- Supervision of financial investment advisors (FIAs) and their professional associations
- Crowdfunding service providers (CSPs)
- Online offers for complex or innovative products
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Head of publications: The Executive Director of AMF Communication Directorate. Contact: Communication Directorate – Autorité des marches financiers 17 place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris cedex 02