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- GR into force since 02/11/2024
- Article 222-1
Article 222-1 into force since
- Version into force since
The provisions of this section apply to issuers having their registered office in France and referred to in section I of Article L 451-1-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code.
They also apply to issuers referred to in section II of Article L. 451-1-2 ibid if they have chosen the AMF as the competent authority for monitoring compliance with the disclosure requirements stipulated therein. This choice is valid for at least three years for issuers referred to in point 2° of section II of the aforementioned Article L. 451-1-2, unless:
The financial securities are no longer admitted to trading on any market of a Member State of the European Union or a state party to the European Economic Area agreement
The financial securities are no longer admitted to trading on the French regulated market but are admitted to trading in one or more other European Union Member States or states party to the European Economic Area agreement.
This choice takes the form of a statement published in accordance with Article 221-3 and filed with the AMF in accordance with Article 221-5.
Where an issuer chooses the AMF as the competent authority, its choice is made public and disclosed to the competent authority of the Member State of the issuer's registered office and, where appropriate, to the competent authorities of all Member States in the territory where its financial securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market.
Where the issuer's financial securities are no longer admitted to trading on a regulated market of a Member State of the European Union or a state party to the European Economic Area agreement, or where the issuer chooses another competent authority to monitor compliance with the disclosure requirements provided for in Article L. 451-1-2 ibid, it informs the AMF thereof in accordance with the conditions and procedures described in the above sub-paragraph.
If the issuer fails to make public the name of the competent authority chosen to monitor compliance with disclosure requirements within three months of the date on which its financial securities were first admitted to trading on a regulated market, the home Member State shall be the Member State in which the issuer's financial securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market. Where the issuer's financial securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market in several Member States, such States shall be considered as the competent Member States for the issuer until a subsequent choice of a single home Member State has been made and disclosed by the issuer.
For an issuer having financial securities already admitted to trading on a regulated market and failing to publish its choice of competent Member State before 27 November 2015, the three-month deadline shall begin on 27 November 2015.
An issuer having chosen a competent Member State to monitor compliance with its disclosure obligations and having informed the competent authorities concerned before 27 November 2015 shall be exempted from the requirement to publish its choice of competent Member State, unless such issuer chooses another competent Member State after 27 November 2015.
All versions
Head of publications: The Executive Director of AMF Communication Directorate. Contact: Communication Directorate – Autorité des marches financiers 17 place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris cedex 02