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Article 231-17 into force from to

  • Version into force from to
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/231-17/20140630/notes

The target company may, once the news release mentioned in Part III of Article 231-16 has been published, issue its own news release in accordance with Article 221-3 to inform the public of the opinion of its Board of Directors or Supervisory Board or, in the case of a foreign company, the competent governing body, on the benefits of the offer or the consequences of the offer for the target company, its shareholders and its employees.

Where applicable, the news release shall mention the findings of the report by the independent appraiser appointed pursuant to Article 261-1 and the findings of the company works council opinion referred to in Article L. 2323-23 of the Labour Code. If the news release is published before the appraiser submits his report or the works council of the target company submits the opinion referred to in Article L. 2323-23 of the Labour Code, the target company shall issue another release when the report or the opinion is published, mentioning the appraiser's findings, the reasoned opinion of the governing bodies referred to in the first paragraph and the findings of the works council opinion.

In all cases, if the independent appraiser has not completed his assignment or has not been appointed by the time the offeror files its draft offer document, the target company shall issue a news release to inform the public of the identity of the independent appraiser as soon as the offeror publishes its draft document or as soon as the appraiser is appointed.

The AMF may request any disclosure that it deems necessary.