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Article 231-20 into force from to

  • Version into force from to
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/231-20/20140630/notes

I. - The AMF shall have ten trading days from the beginning of the offer period to determine whether the draft offer complies with applicable laws and regulations.

II. - In the cases provided for in Article 261-1 and for offers under the terms of Articles L. 2323-21 to L. 2323-26-1 A of the Labour Code, the statement of compliance shall be issued no earlier than five trading days after the target company has filed its draft reply document.

III. - In all cases, the AMF may request any supporting documentation or guarantees that it deems appropriate, as well as any further information that it needs for its assessment of the draft offer, the draft offer document or the reply document. In this case, the time period is suspended. It resumes once the information requested has been received.