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- General Regulation
- GR into force since 02/11/2024
- Article 312-32
General regulation of the AMF
Article 312-32 into force since
- Version into force since
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/312-32/20180103/notes
Article 312-32
If an investment services provider requires professional licenses for several compliance officers for investment services, the AMF shall ensure that the number of license holders is proportionate to the nature and the risks of the investment services provider's business activities, scale and organisational structure.
Investment services providers shall provide precise written definitions of the attributions of each professional license holder.
All versions
Legal information:
Head of publications: The Executive Director of AMF Communication Directorate. Contact: Communication Directorate – Autorité des marches financiers 17 place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris cedex 02
Head of publications: The Executive Director of AMF Communication Directorate. Contact: Communication Directorate – Autorité des marches financiers 17 place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris cedex 02