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Article 320-17 into force since

  • Version into force since
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/320-17/20190911/notes

The asset management company shall appoint a member of management to be responsible for implementing the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing system stipulated in Article L. 561-32 of the Monetary and Financial Code. Where appropriate, such a person shall also be appointed at the level of the group defined in Article L. 561-33 of the Monetary and Financial Code.

This manager may delegate some or all of the implementation under the following conditions:

  1. the empowered person must have the necessary authority, resources and skills, and access to all relevant information;

  2. the empowered person must not be involved in the execution of the services and activities under supervision.

The manager shall remain responsible for the delegated activities.