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Article 321-151 into force since

  • Version into force since
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/321-151/20201126/notes

The provisions of Chapters III, IV and V of this Title and Article 321-1 IV shall apply to the relevant persons referred to in II of Article 321-31.

The rules adopted by the asset management company under the provisions of Chapters III, IV and V of this Title and Article 321-1 IV and applying to the relevant persons referred to in II of Article 321-31 shall constitute professional obligations for those persons.

The provisions of Chapter IV and sections 1 and 4 of Chapter V of this Title and Article 321-1 IV shall apply to the relevant persons referred to in II of Article 321-31 within the branches opened in France by asset management company authorised in other States parties to the European Economic Area agreement.

Section 2 of Chapter V of this Title shall apply to the relevant persons referred to in II of Article 321-31 within the branches opened in France by European management companies managing UCITS referred to in Article L. 532-20-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code.