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Article 323-17 into force since

  • Version into force since
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/323-17/20160417/notes

Acting on the instructions of the SICAV or the asset management company of the UCITS, the depositary shall make the cash payments related to transactions in pure registered financial instruments, deposits and between cash accounts opened in the name of the UCITS. It shall notify the SICAV or the asset management company of any problems encountered at this time.

The instructions of the SICAV or of the asset management company of the UCITS shall be transmitted to the depositary in accordance with the procedures and intervals defined in the agreement referred to in Article 323-11.

As soon as it has knowledge of them, the SICAV or the asset management company of the UCITS shall send the following to the depositary

  1. Documents evidencing the purchase and sale of registered financial instruments;

  2. Documents related to any deposits made and cash accounts open at another institution;

  3. Documents that provide the depositary with information about the characteristics and events affecting pure registered financial instruments and deposits and cash accounts, such as certifications by the issuer, which shall be transmitted to the depositary in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the agreement referred to in Article 323-11.