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Article 325-50-2 into force from to

  • Version into force from to
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/325-50-2/20161021/notes

I. – Where the crowdfunding investment adviser carries out the business of registering financial securities in a securities account, the following subscription application processing and monitoring tasks are essential:

  1. Providing for the centralised receipt of subscription applications relating to offers not covered by a prospectus authorised by the AMF and proceeding with the corresponding registration;

  2. Checking compliance with subscription application centralisation cutoff dates and times that will have been communicated to the client according to the provisions of Article 325-38;

  3. Recording the amount, and where relevant, the number of securities subscribed for, stemming from the centralised receipt of subscription applications;

  4. Recording the information required to create the securities issued;

  5. Communicating information related to the processing of subscription applications to the issuer.

II. – The records shall include the following information:

  1. The issuer;

  2. The subscriber's identity;

  3. The time and date of the order;

  4. The number of securities subscribed;

  5. The security subscription price.