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Article 514-3 into force since

  • Version into force since
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/514-3/20180103/notes

The market rules shall establish the principles under which trading of financial instruments can be suspended or removed.

They also provide for the conditions:

a) Of technical interruption of trading in a financial instrument in the case of significant price fluctuations in this financial instrument on the market, particularly when the price variation reaches whether during the same trading session or from one session to the other one of the thresholds set by the market operator;

b) In which orders exceeding pre-determined volume and price thresholds, or clearly erroneous orders, are rejected.

The market rules regulating price fluctuations shall take into consideration both the market model and the characteristics of the financial instruments traded on the market. The market operator must have the resources that enable it to verify the consistency of the prices resulting from transactions.