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Article 531-4 into force since

  • Version into force since
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/531-4/20180103/notes

The AMF shall check that the documents or information referred to in Article 531-3 comply with relevant laws and regulations, and in particular that the market operator has the resources and organisational structure suitable for the envisaged activity and that it complies with the provisions of Article L. 421-11 of the Monetary and Financial Code.

The AMF shall seek the opinion of the Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority on the organisation, the human, material and technical resources and the financial resources of the market operator.

It can demand any rule amendments or resource adjustments needed to ensure that the facility complies with relevant laws and regulations.

The AMF shall reach a decision on the authorisation request within three months of receiving the full file or, where such is the case, the additional information it has requested.