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30 January 2014

Directors' dealings disclosure - Forms & declarations

Article L. 621-18-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code requires executives to declare all transactions that they perform on the shares of the company in which they exercise their functions and the financial instruments linked to them. This requirement applies to all executives and any other individual who is empowered to make management decisions within the issuer regarding its positioning and strategy and also has regular access to privileged information, as well as individuals who are closely linked to them. The declarations are sent to the issuer and the AMF, which publishes them

Transactions to be reported

The transactions specified in article 19 of Regulation (EU) n°596/2014 of 16 avril 2014 on market abuse and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) n°2016/522 of 17 décembre 2015.

Procedures for reporting to the AMF

Notifications shall be entered and reported within 3 working days of the transaction date to the AMF via extranet ONDE. The AMFpublishes them.

Contact us

  • for any question relating to the content of a report, you can contact us at ONDE_Suivi_DeclarationDirigeant [at] (ONDE_Suivi_DeclarationDirigeant[at]amf-france[dot]org) ;
  • for the creation of an account or for any other technical problem, you can contact us at ONDE_Administrateur_Deposant [at] (ONDE_Administrateur_Deposant[at]amf-france[dot]org).