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14 September 2016

A new addition to the AMF Enforcement Committee

Five members of the Enforcement Committee, the AMF's independent ruling body, have had their terms renewed. A sixth, Sophie Schiller, has just been appointed by the finance minister.

Five Enforcement Committee members have had their terms renewed, and a new member has joined the Committee. The finance minister issued an order on 22 August 2016 renewing the terms of Bernard Field, Bruno Gizard, and Christophe Lepitre on the AMF's Enforcement Committee. Sophie Schiller, a professor of private law at Paris Dauphine University, was also appointed to the committee. She replaces France Drummond, whose term had expired. In addition, the terms of Marie-Hélène Tric and Edwige Belliard were renewed by the President of the Court of Cassation and the Vice-President of the Conseil d'Etat respectively.

The current members of the Enforcement Committee met in a plenary session on 7 September to elect their chairman. Ms Marie-Hélène Tric, Honorary Judge at the Court of Cassation and Enforcement Committee member since February 2011, was re-elected Chairman of the Committee in its plenary form and of the first division. The Committee members also re-elected Jean Gaeremynck, Deputy Chairman of the finances division at the Conseil d'Etat, as Chairman of the second division.

As a reminder, the Enforcement Committee is the AMF's independent ruling body and has 12 members, none of whom sit on the Board:

  • four members are judges, two of which are appointed by the Vice-President of the Conseil d'Etat and two by the President of the Court of Cassation;
  • six members are appointed based on their legal and financial expertise;
  • two members are representatives of financial sector firm employees.

Committee members are appointed to five-year, once-renewable terms.

The chairman of the Enforcement Committee is elected by majority vote by the committee members from the four judges appointed by the Vice-President of the Conseil d'Etat and the President of the Court of Cassation. 

When ruling on a case, the Enforcement Committee may sit in a plenary session or as one of its two divisions, as allowed under the Monetary and Financial Code. Each division has six members and is chaired by one of the Conseil d'Etat or Court of Cassation judges that sit on the committee.

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AMF Communication Directorate - Christèle Fradin - Tel : +33 (0)1 53 45 60 29 ou +33 (0)1 53 45 60 28