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The AMF publishes its 2023 CSR Report

The AMF publishes its 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report. It takes stock of a year in which the Autorité des marchés financiers has reaffirmed its societal and environmental ambitions, notably in its Impact 2027 strategic orientations. The implementation of an internal CSR governance structure, a new calculation of its carbon footprint and the re-edition of its social barometer are just some of the CSR highlights of 2023.

Seting up CSR governance

Having a framework to structure the governance of its CSR and define objectives in this area was one of the commitments made in the first CSR report published last year. The CSR Committee was launched in March 2024. Its first missions will be to:

  • prioritize the areas in which it can invest;
  • ensure the reliability of its data, and
  • develop relevant indicators to assess the performance of its CSR actions.

Acting as a responsible employer

Gender equality

The F/H 2024 index calculated on 2023 data is 92/100. This confirms the importance the AMF attaches to professional equality. Its teams are 54% female, 50% of managers are women, and the Executive Committee respects gender parity.


Maintaining employees' knowledge and skills, and enabling them to acquire new ones, is also a key aspect of the AMF’s responsibility as an employer. In 2023, employees benefited from almost 12,000 hours of training (an average of 20.65 hours of training per employee). The training programme covered 117 different topics and enabled 28 employees to obtain certification or a diploma.

Maintaining its carbon footprint reduction trajectory

Carbon footprint stays on course for CO2 reduction targets

In 2023, three years after the first, the AMF commissioned a new calculation of its carbon footprint. It reveals a reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions of 11% compared to 2019, consistent with the reduction targets it set itself in 2021, which are: -15% by 2025 and -27.5% by 2030.

Embarking its employees on the path to climate transition

In 2023, the Group trained 415 employees in the Fresque du Climat. These workshops enabled them to better understand the mechanisms of climate disruption, measure its extent and collectively seek solutions to tackle it, both in their professional and personal activities.

Conducting business ethically and transparently

Committing to best practices in order to maintain the trust of its stakeholders, demonstrating transparency in its purchasing procedures, mitigating the risks inherent in its business are the objectives pursued by the actions that AMF has deployed in 2023.