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09 April 2024

Envviron token offering: decision to withdraw approval

During its meeting on 6 February 2024, the AMF Board had approved the information document filed by Envviron in connection with its proposed public offering of DevvE tokens. It has been decided to withdraw this approval as the offer no longer complies with the information document approved by the AMF.

During its meeting on 2 April 2024, the AMF Board decided, pursuant to Article L. 552-6 of the Monetary and Financial Code, to definitively withdraw the ICO.24-023 approval it had issued for Envviron's public offering of DevvE tokens, and ordered the cessation of all communications concerning the offering which referred to said approval. The AMF Board noted that the aforementioned public offering no longer complied with the information contained in the information document approved by the AMF, given that the issuer or its affiliates had publicly indicated on social media that the aforementioned approval had been obtained, while subsequently indicating to the AMF that it no longer intended to make a public offering in France, even as the DevvE token was the subject of an international public offer and had been admitted to trading on trading venues before the aforementioned approval was definitively obtained. In accordance with the provisions of Article 715-1 of the AMF General Regulation, this decision, taken pursuant to Article L. 552-6 of the Monetary and Financial Code, is published on the AMF website. As a result, the AMF has updated the list of public offerings of tokens  approved by the AMF and has included Envviron's ICO on the list of offerings for which the AMF has decided to withdraw its approval, in accordance with Article 715-2 of the AMF General Regulation