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In Q3 2024, for the first time, new ETF investors outnumbered new equity investors
21 October 2024

In Q3 2024, for the first time, new ETF investors outnumbered new equity investors

Each quarter, the AMF draws up an inventory of the number of individuals who have carried out at least one transaction in a financial instrument during the last quarter. She is particularly interested in equity and ETF trading.

Listed Equities

During the 3rd quarter of 2024, approximately 659,000 individuals carried out buy or sell transactions in shares. This figure is slightly higher (+3.5%) than in the same quarter of 2023.

New investors, i.e. individuals who made at least one share purchase for the first time during the period under review [1], numbered 48,000, compared to an average of around 41,000 each3rd quarter since 2020.


In the 3rd quarter, the increase in retail activity continued on exchange-traded funds (ETFs) admitted to trading in Europe: 276,000 investors bought or sold ETFs, 129,000 more than a year ago (+88%). The number of ETF transactions reached 1.4 million, after 1.2 million in the2nd quarter (+15%).

For the first time, in Q3 2024, the number of new ETF investors significantly exceeded the number of new equity investors (57,000 vs. 48,000).

[ 1 ] In order to produce this scoreboard, the AMF relies on detailed transaction data provided by French financial institutions and branches in France of European Union institutions, since the entry into force of the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive MiFID2 in January 2018.