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Sector risk assessment on money laundering and terrorist financing

The AMF has published a new version of its money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/FT) sectoral risk analysis (SRA), the initial version of which was published in 2019. This document sets out, for the professionals under its supervision, the national risk analysis (NAR) updated and published in 2023 by the Conseil d'Orientation de la Lutte Contre le Blanchiment de Capitaux et de Financement du Terrorisme (Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorist Financing Advisory Board) (COLB). Using the same methodology, the SRA assesses the various ML/FT risks to which the asset management sector, the financial investment adviser sector, the activities of the central securities depository and the digital assets sector are exposed. This assessment is now based on a four-point scale. A ‘very high’ level has been added to the three previously used (low, medium and high).

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