Ombudsman online diary overview
In May 2014, AMF Ombudsman Marielle Cohen-Branche started up her online diary, in which she reviews and explains the mediation cases referred to her. Each month a new mediation case illustrates the day-to-day work carried out by Marielle and her team of legal experts.
Why this new diary? “When I was appointed at the end of 2011 I set myself a number of objectives, and one of them was to give greater visibility to the role of the AMF Ombudsman. Mine is a wide-ranging role in which I am backed up by a team. The decision to present it in the form of a diary was made for several reasons. First, in order to make people aware of the reasons cases are referred to me, and hence the type of case I deal with. Second, to show what the Mediation mission involves in a concrete, vivid manner. And thirdly to outline the benefits and limits of this free public service,” says Marielle.
Over the months, the rich and varied issues submitted to the Ombudsman are addressed in this new diary. Since the diary was started, cases relating to disputes as diverse as the late execution of a trading order, an unsuitable formula fund subscription, the costs of employee savings plans, and Forex trading risks have all been published.
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Head of publications: The Executive Director of AMF Communication Directorate. Contact: Communication Directorate – Autorité des marches financiers 17 place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris cedex 02