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30 December 2024

Discuss with the AMF about my project

Do you have an innovative project in preparation in the investment services sector and would you like to obtain information on the applicable regulations?

The AMF committed to supporting innovation and digital finance

Understanding and supporting innovation is a strategic priority for the AMF. In direct contact with players promoting financial innovations, the Innovation and Digital Finance team represents the AMF in working groups of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and other French, European and international organizations or forums. Its objectives are:

  • to work with financial stakeholders to analyse ongoing innovations in the investment services sector
  • to identify the issues of competitiveness and financial regulation
  • to assess the need to change the French or European regulation

Read more on the Innovation and Digital Finance division: Innovation: focus on the actions carried out by the AMF

In conjunction with the ACPR FinTech Innovation team, it also leads the AMF-ACPR FinTech Forum which brings together industry professionals each year to discuss regulatory and supervisory topics related to Fintech and innovation.

Do you have an innovative project in the field of financial services and would you like to share it with the AMF services?

You can send us a presentation of your project and an analysis of the legal issues you encounter by using the form on the following link: 

Send us a request for information