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12 February 2020

Reporting a major holding notification

Have you exceeded or gone below a legal threshold of the equity or voting rights of a listed company? You must report this threshold crossing to the AMF no later than the fourth trading day following the threshold crossing via the submission of the dedicated form to the AMF. Focus on reporting procedures and on the contribution due to the AMF on this occasion.

The regulations, in short

Whenever a shareholder, acting alone or in concert, reaches, exceeds or falls below the legal  thresholds of (i) 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 1/3, 50%, 2/3, 90% or 95% of the equity or voting rights of an issuer whose shares are admitted to trading on Euronext Paris, or (ii) 50% or 90% of the equity or voting rights of an issuer whose shares are admitted to trading on Euronext Growth, it must report this to the company and to the AMF; this report must reach the AMF no later than before the close of trade on the fourth trading day following the day of the threshold crossing, and must be sent to the company within this deadline.

The AMF shall make this report public via its decisions and financial information database within three trading days after receiving the complete report.

Procedures for reporting to the AMF

To report a major holding notification, one must use a specific form.

One must then send this form to the AMF in electronic format and in hard-copy format:

  • Send in electronic format to the address declarationseuil [at] (declarationseuil[at]amf-france[dot]org); and
  • Send in hard-copy format, for the attention of the Division des offres publiques, Direction des émetteurs de l’AMF, at the postal address 17, place de la bourse, 75082 Paris Cedex 02, France.

Contribution due to the AMF

For a major holding notification, one must pay to the AMF the amount of €750 per notification.

This fixed duty is due on the day of publication of the major holding notification. It is payable upon receiving a notice of payment (invoice) sent by the AMF.

Corporate Finance Directorate
Prise de parole
12 March 2024
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