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26 February 2020

Reporting my securities lending and borrowing transactions

Have you performed securities sale and repurchase transactions which must be reported to the AMF pursuant to Article L.225-26 of the French Commercial Code? Find here the procedures for reporting these transactions to the AMF.

The regulations, in short

Information on securities sale and repurchase transactions in shares of a company whose head office is established in France shall be reported to the AMF under the conditions of Article L.225-126 of the French Commercial Code.

Procedures for reporting to the AMF

The reporting format is specified in AMF Instruction DOC-2011-04 on the procedures for disclosure of securities sale and repurchase transactions concerning shares.

The report should be sent in electronic format to the AMF at declarationpretsemprunts [at] (declarationpretsemprunts[at]amf-france[dot]org).

Corporate Finance Directorate
Securities lending and borrowing transactions
declarationpretsemprunts [at]