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AMF policy by book

Table of contents

I - Issuers and financial disclosure

I. 1 - Periodic information

I. 1.1. Guide on periodic information

I. 1.3. Non Financial disclosure

I. 1.4. Alternative performance measures

I. 2 - Ongoing information

I. 2.2. Filing requirements

I. 3 - Universal registration document

I. 3.1. Guide on universal registration document

I. 3.2. Filing requirements

I. 4 - Prospectus and information document for a public offering

I. 4.1. European prospectus

I. 4.1.1. Guide
I. 4.1.2. Filing requirements

I. 4.2. National prospectuses

I. 4.4. Initial coin offering

II - Investment products

II. 1 - Collective investment schemes (CISs)

II. 1.3. Specific provisions applicable to CISs open to all subscribers

II. 1.3.5. Specific provisions applicable to securitisation vehicles

III - Providers

III. 1 - Investment services providers

IV - Marketing - Customer relationship

V - Market infrastructure

VI - Market abuse

VI. 2 - Whistleblowers