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- DOC-2012-02
I - Issuers and financial disclosure
I. 7 - Corporate governance and general meetings
I. 7.2. Corporate governance
- Applicable from 14 December 2023
- Recommendation DOC-2012-02
From 03 December 2019 to 28 April 2021 | Recommendation DOC-2012-02
Corporate governance and executive compensation in companies referring to the AFEP-MEDEF code - Consolidated presentation of the recommendations contained in the AMF annual reports
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From 22 November 2017 to 29 November 2018 | Recommendation DOC-2012-02
Corporate governance and executive compensation in companies referring to the AFEP-MEDEF code - Consolidated presentation of the recommendations contained in the AMF annual reports
AMF recommendation DOC-2012-02 compiles all the recommendations applicable to companies referring to the AFEP-MEDEF code and the avenues of discussion that target the professional associations. The recommendations and avenues of discussion the AMF has published since 2009 in its reports on corporate governance and executive compensation have therefore been consolidated and harmonised in this document.
Reference texts
From 22 December 2015 to 21 November 2017 | Recommendation DOC-2012-02
Corporate governance and executive compensation in companies referring to the AFEP-MEDEF code - Consolidated presentation of the recommendations contained in the AMF annual reports
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Reference texts
From 11 December 2014 to 21 December 2015 | Recommendation DOC-2012-02
Corporate governance and executive compensation in companies referring to the AFEP-MEDEF code - Consolidated presentation of the recommendations contained in the AMF annual reports
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Reference texts
From 04 December 2013 to 10 December 2014 | Recommendation DOC-2012-02
Corporate governance and executive compensation in companies referring to the AFEP/MEDEF code - Consolidated presentation of the recommendations contained in the AMF annual reports
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Reference texts
From 09 February 2012 to 03 December 2013 | Recommendation DOC-2012-02
Corporate governance and executive compensation in companies referring to the AFEP/MEDEF code - Consolidated presentation of the recommendations contained in the AMF annual reports
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Head of publications: The Executive Director of AMF Communication Directorate. Contact: Communication Directorate – Autorité des marches financiers 17 place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris cedex 02
Head of publications: The Executive Director of AMF Communication Directorate. Contact: Communication Directorate – Autorité des marches financiers 17 place de la Bourse – 75082 Paris cedex 02