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Find the AMF's white lists (Miscellaneous goods, ICO, DASP, Crowdfunding service providers)

These white lists include offers registered as miscellaneous goods (wine, wood, etc.), Initial Coin Offerings approved by the AMF, Digital Asset Service Providers (DASP) or Crowdfunding Service Providers (CSP) authorised in France. The registrations /  approvals are not an incentive to invest in these products, which are still by nature very risky .
Please note that the Crowdfunding Service Provider white list only applies to French service providers, as foreign service providers can legally offer their services in France via the European passport (see ESMA register).

Catégories PSAN
Liste de blanche des acteurs autorisés
Last nameCategoryDate of authorisationProposed activities

Société Générale - Forge [Agrément]

  • DASP

More than 2 services