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Article 321-6 into force from to

  • Version into force from to
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/321-6/20180103/notes

When the AMF decides to withdraw an authorisation, the company concerned shall be notified of the AMF's decision by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The AMF shall inform the public of the withdrawal by inserting notices in newspapers or other publications of its choosing.

The decision shall specify the timetable and method for carrying out the withdrawal. During this period, the company shall be put under the supervision of an administrator designated by the AMF on the basis of his or her skills. The administrator shall be bound by the obligation of professional secrecy. If he or she manages another company, said company may not acquire the clientele directly or indirectly.

During this period, the company may make only such transactions as are strictly necessary to protect its clients' interests. The company shall inform its clients and the custodian(s) of the portfolios under discretionary management of the withdrawal of its authorisation. It shall ask its clients in writing to request transfer of their accounts to another investment services provider, or to request liquidation of their portfolios, or to assume the management thereof themselves. For common funds (FCPs), the AMF shall invite the custodian to appoint another manager.