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Article 322-73 into force since

  • Version into force since
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/322-73/20210523/notes

This sub-section concerns the keeping of securities accounts for units or shares in a collective investment scheme acquired within the framework of an employee savings scheme, with the exception of FCPE units covered by Article L. 214-164 of the Monetary and Financial Code subscribed under a retirement savings plan as defined in Article L. 224-1 of the same code opened with an insurance company, mutual insurance company or union, provident institution or union. It also concerns other financial securities acquired under such a scheme.

For the purposes of the present sub-section, the following definitions will apply:

  1. "Units", units or shares in a collective investment scheme offered within the framework of an employee savings scheme;

  2. "Funds", the collective investment schemes of which the units and shares are offered within the framework of an employee savings scheme;

  3. "Bearers", the beneficiaries of an employee saving scheme;

  4. "Management companies", the portfolio management companies and open-ended investment companies which do not delegate their asset management.