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Titre clair et concis du tableau30 December 2024 | Policy | Position DOC-2024-08 - EBA guidelines on information requirements in relation to certain crypto-assets transferts The AMF applies the European Banking Authority's Guidelines on information requirements in relation to crypto-assets transfers under Regulation (EU) 2023/1113 ("Travel Rule Guidelines"). In particular, these Guidelines specify the information that must accompany crypto-asset transfers, the steps that crypto-asset service providers (CASPs) must… The AMF applies the European Banking Authority's Guidelines on information requirements in relation to crypto-assets transfers under Regulation … |
19 December 2024 | News | Combating money laundering and terrorist financing: the AMF applies the guidelines issued by the European Banking Authority regarding certain transfers of crypto-assets The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) publishes the position DOC-2024-08 to incorporate the guidelines of the European Banking Authority (EBA) on information requirements in relation to certain crypto-assets transfers (Travel rules guidelines). The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) publishes the position DOC-2024-08 to incorporate the guidelines of the European Banking Authority (EBA)… |
13 September 2024 | Ombudsman’s Blog | Anti-money laundering: a securities account may be closed if a client fails to update relevant personal information Financial institutions are bound by strict Know Your Client (KYC) obligations to comply with their anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) requirements. Clients should be extremely vigilant when they receive requests from their banks. As can be seen from this month’s case, the bank in question had every right… Financial institutions are bound by strict Know Your Client (KYC) obligations to comply with their anti-money laundering and combating the… |
17 July 2024 | Report / study | Sector risk assessment on money laundering and terrorist financing The AMF has published a new version of its money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/FT) sectoral risk analysis (SRA), the initial version of which was published in 2019. This document sets out, for the professionals under its supervision, the national risk analysis (NAR) updated and published in 2023 by the Conseil d'Orientation de la Lutte… The AMF has published a new version of its money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/FT) sectoral risk analysis (SRA), the initial version of… |
10 June 2024 | News | Money laundering and terrorist financing: the AMF publishes its sectoral risk analysis The AMF has published a new version of its money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/FT) sectoral risk analysis (SRA), the first version of which was published in 2019. This document adapts, for the professionals under AMF supervision, the national risk analysis (NRA) that was updated and published on 14 February 2023 by the Conseil d… The AMF has published a new version of its money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/FT) sectoral risk analysis (SRA), the first version of… |
14 March 2024 | News | Combatting money laundering and terrorist financing: AMF applies two sets of European Banking Authority guidelines The AMF has updated its Position 2019-14 on risk factors and published a new Position 2024-02 on the provision of access to financial services to take account of two sets of EBA guidelines. The AMF has updated its Position 2019-14 on risk factors and published a new Position 2024-02 on the provision of access to financial services to… |
12 March 2024 | Policy | Position DOC-2019-14 - Guidelines on risk factors The AMF applies the European Supervisory Authorities' Joint Guidelines, which explain the relevant ML/TF risk factors that financial sector professionals should consider to best adjust the scope of their customer due diligence measures. Chapters 8 and 9 of Title III of the Guidelines include sectoral developments relating to individual asset… The AMF applies the European Supervisory Authorities' Joint Guidelines, which explain the relevant ML/TF risk factors that financial sector… |
12 March 2024 | Policy | Position DOC-2024-02 - Guidelines on the provision of access to financial services The AMF applies the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority on policies and controls for the effective management of money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks when providing access to financial services (EBA/GL/2023/04). In particular, these guidelines aim to limit risk-mitigating practices that exclude certain types of client. The AMF applies the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority on policies and controls for the effective management of money laundering and… |
01 January 2024 | Policy | Instruction DOC-2019-24 - Digital assets service providers - Cybersecurity system of requirements |
02 October 2023 | Policy | Position - Recommendation DOC-2019-16 - Guidelines on due diligence obligations with respect to clients and their beneficial owners DOC-2019-16 sets out the due diligence obligations with regard to clients and their beneficial owners, as provided by Articles L. 561-4-1 and following of the Monetary and Financial Code, taking account of the essential contributions of the 4th directive and 5th directive, and notably the reinforcement of the risk-based approach, the distinction… DOC-2019-16 sets out the due diligence obligations with regard to clients and their beneficial owners, as provided by Articles L. 561-4-1 and… |
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